CMagic  0.5.0
Portable C library of utilities and data structures

What is CMagic?

CMagic is a portable no-exception C library with C++ bindings. It contains utilities and containers which are not included in C Standard Library. CMagic is purely written in C11 (with possible fallback to C99) and C++11. It doesn't depend on any other library and doesn't require custom compiler extensions. Works both on PC and embedded systems.

Click here for the full documentation.



To use CMagic you will need:


Prepare a directory for your project:

> mkdir cmagic_helloworld
> cd cmagic_helloworld
> git clone --recurse-submodules cmagic

Prepare sources hello.c and hello.cpp and put them in cmagic_helloworld directory:

// hello.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "cmagic/memory.h"
#include "cmagic/vector.h"
int main(void) {
static uint8_t memory_pool[1000];
cmagic_memory_init(memory_pool, sizeof(memory_pool));
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
if (!CMAGIC_VECTOR_PUSH_BACK(vector, &i)) {
fputs("Insufficient memory!\n", stderr);
return -1;
printf("Vector size is %zu\nElements:", CMAGIC_VECTOR_SIZE(vector));
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf(" %d", CMAGIC_VECTOR_DATA(vector)[i]);
return 0;
// hello.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "cmagic/memory.h"
#include "cmagic/vector.hpp"
int main() {
static uint8_t memory_pool[1000];
cmagic_memory_init(memory_pool, sizeof(memory_pool));
cmagic::vector<int> vector {cmagic::vector<int>::custom_allocation_vector()};
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
if (!vector.push_back(i)) {
std::cerr << "Insufficient memory!\n";
return -1;
std::cout << "Vector size is " << vector.size() << "\nElements:";
for (int e : vector) {
std::cout << " " << e;
std::cout << "\n";

Eventually prepare a CMakeLists.txt file and compile the sources:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
add_executable(hello_c hello.c)
add_executable(hello_cpp hello.cpp)
target_link_libraries(hello_c PRIVATE cmagic)
target_link_libraries(hello_cpp PRIVATE cmagic)
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build

Both programs should generate the same output:

Vector size is 10
Elements: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10