CMagic  0.5.0
Portable C library of utilities and data structures
Classes | Macros | Typedefs
set.h File Reference

Implementation of a set container. More...

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "cmagic/memory.h"
#include "cmagic/utils.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  cmagic_set_iterator_t
struct  cmagic_set_insert_result_t
 Set insertion result. More...


#define CMAGIC_SET(key_type)   key_type*
 Convenient alias for type*. Returned type of CMAGIC_SET_NEW. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_NEW(key_type, key_comparator, alloc_packet)   ((CMAGIC_SET(key_type))cmagic_set_new(sizeof(key_type), (key_comparator), (alloc_packet)))
 Allocates and returns an address of a newly created empty set. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_FREE(cmagic_set)   cmagic_set_free((void*)(cmagic_set))
 Frees the resources allocated by the set before. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_ALLOCATE(cmagic_set, key)
 Allocates space for a new element but does not initialize it. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_INSERT(cmagic_set, key)
 Allocates space for a new element and initializes it with data under key. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_ERASE_EXT(cmagic_set, key, destructor)
 Extended version of CMAGIC_SET_ERASE. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_ERASE(cmagic_set, key)   CMAGIC_SET_ERASE_EXT(cmagic_set, key, NULL)
 Removes a single element from the set. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_CLEAR(cmagic_set)   cmagic_set_clear((void*)(cmagic_set))
 Removes all elements from the set. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_SIZE(cmagic_set)   cmagic_set_size((void*)(cmagic_set))
 Returns the number of elements in the set. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_FIRST(cmagic_set)   cmagic_set_first((void*)(cmagic_set))
 Return iterator to the first element in set. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_LAST(cmagic_set)   cmagic_set_last((void*)(cmagic_set))
 Return iterator to the last element in set. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_ITERATOR_NEXT(iterator)   cmagic_set_iterator_next(iterator)
 Returns iterator to the next element in container. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_ITERATOR_PREV(iterator)   cmagic_set_iterator_prev(iterator)
 Returns iterator to the previous element in container. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_FIND(cmagic_set, key)
 Searches the container for an element equivalent to key and returns an iterator to it if found, otherwise it returns NULL. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_GET_KEY(key_type, iterator)   (assert(iterator), assert((iterator)->key), *((const key_type*)(iterator)->key))
 Helper macro for retrieving the key value from the iterator. More...
#define CMAGIC_SET_GET_ALLOC_PACKET(cmagic_set)   cmagic_set_get_alloc_packet((void*)(cmagic_set))
 Retrieves cmagic_memory_alloc_packet_t associated with the set. More...


typedef int(* cmagic_set_key_comparator_t) (const void *key1, const void *key2)
 Pointer to a function that compares two elements. More...
typedef void(* cmagic_set_erase_destructor_t) (void *key)
 User defined additional tasks to be executed right before key deletion. More...

Detailed Description

Implementation of a set container.

Please use provided macros instead of raw functions to gain additional type checks.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CMAGIC_SET (   key_type)    key_type*

Convenient alias for type*. Returned type of CMAGIC_SET_NEW.

typetype of set elements


#define CMAGIC_SET_ALLOCATE (   cmagic_set,
(CMAGIC_UTILS_ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(*(cmagic_set), *(key)), \
cmagic_set_allocate((void*)(cmagic_set), (key)))
#define CMAGIC_UTILS_ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(expr1, expr2)
Checks if two L-value expressions have the same type.
Definition: utils.h:33

Allocates space for a new element but does not initialize it.

New element is allocated only if it doesn't already exist in the set.

The new element must be initialized right after calling this function. Especially it must be ready then to call cmagic_set_key_comparator_t on it and return the same value as for key. Otherwise the set will be in an undefined state.
cmagic_seta set allocated before with CMAGIC_SET_NEW
keypointer to the key value, needed to place a new element in the right place in the internal binary tree
cmagic_set_insert_result_t pointing to the new or already existing element


#define CMAGIC_SET_CLEAR (   cmagic_set)    cmagic_set_clear((void*)(cmagic_set))

Removes all elements from the set.

cmagic_seta set allocated before with CMAGIC_SET_NEW


#define CMAGIC_SET_ERASE (   cmagic_set,
)    CMAGIC_SET_ERASE_EXT(cmagic_set, key, NULL)

Removes a single element from the set.

cmagic_seta set allocated before with CMAGIC_SET_NEW
keypointer to a value to be removed from the set. This function compares by a value, the key doesn't have to be an address of the original key. Does nothing if the element doesn't exist in the set.


#define CMAGIC_SET_ERASE_EXT (   cmagic_set,
(CMAGIC_UTILS_ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(*(cmagic_set), *(key)), \
cmagic_set_erase((void*)(cmagic_set), (key), (destructor)))
#define CMAGIC_UTILS_ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(expr1, expr2)
Checks if two L-value expressions have the same type.
Definition: utils.h:33

Extended version of CMAGIC_SET_ERASE.

cmagic_seta set allocated before with CMAGIC_SET_NEW
keypointer to a value to be removed from the set. This function compares by a value, the key doesn't have to be an address of the original key. Does nothing if the element doesn't exist in the set.
destructorfunction of type cmagic_set_erase_destructor_t to be called on the key right before deleting it


#define CMAGIC_SET_FIND (   cmagic_set,
(CMAGIC_UTILS_ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(*(cmagic_set), *(key)), \
cmagic_set_find((void*)(cmagic_set), (key)))
#define CMAGIC_UTILS_ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(expr1, expr2)
Checks if two L-value expressions have the same type.
Definition: utils.h:33

Searches the container for an element equivalent to key and returns an iterator to it if found, otherwise it returns NULL.

keypointer to a value to be searched for
an iterator to the element, if key is found, or NULL otherwise


#define CMAGIC_SET_FIRST (   cmagic_set)    cmagic_set_first((void*)(cmagic_set))

Return iterator to the first element in set.

Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the set according to the order defined by cmagic_set_key_comparator_t.

cmagic_seta set allocated before with CMAGIC_SET_NEW
an iterator to the first element or NULL if the set is empty


#define CMAGIC_SET_FREE (   cmagic_set)    cmagic_set_free((void*)(cmagic_set))

Frees the resources allocated by the set before.

Must not use cmagic_set after free.

cmagic_seta set allocated before with CMAGIC_SET_NEW


#define CMAGIC_SET_GET_ALLOC_PACKET (   cmagic_set)    cmagic_set_get_alloc_packet((void*)(cmagic_set))

Retrieves cmagic_memory_alloc_packet_t associated with the set.

cmagic_seta set allocated before with CMAGIC_SET_NEW
cmagic_memory_alloc_packet_t associated with the set


#define CMAGIC_SET_GET_KEY (   key_type,
)    (assert(iterator), assert((iterator)->key), *((const key_type*)(iterator)->key))

Helper macro for retrieving the key value from the iterator.

iterator must not be NULL
key_typetype of set elements to which the iterator points to
iteratorcmagic_set_iterator_t object
value of the key


#define CMAGIC_SET_INSERT (   cmagic_set,
(CMAGIC_UTILS_ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(*(cmagic_set), *(key)), \
cmagic_set_insert((void*)(cmagic_set), (key)))
#define CMAGIC_UTILS_ASSERT_SAME_TYPE(expr1, expr2)
Checks if two L-value expressions have the same type.
Definition: utils.h:33

Allocates space for a new element and initializes it with data under key.

cmagic_seta set allocated before with CMAGIC_SET_NEW
keypointer to the key value
cmagic_set_insert_result_t pointing to the new or already existing element


#define CMAGIC_SET_ITERATOR_NEXT (   iterator)    cmagic_set_iterator_next(iterator)

Returns iterator to the next element in container.

iteratorcmagic_set_iterator_t object
iterator to the next element or NULL if iterator was the last element in container


#define CMAGIC_SET_ITERATOR_PREV (   iterator)    cmagic_set_iterator_prev(iterator)

Returns iterator to the previous element in container.

iteratorcmagic_set_iterator_t object
iterator to the previous element or NULL if iterator was the first element in container


#define CMAGIC_SET_LAST (   cmagic_set)    cmagic_set_last((void*)(cmagic_set))

Return iterator to the last element in set.

Returns an iterator pointing to the last element in the set according to the order defined by cmagic_set_key_comparator_t.

cmagic_seta set allocated before with CMAGIC_SET_NEW
an iterator to the last element or NULL if the set is empty


#define CMAGIC_SET_NEW (   key_type,
)    ((CMAGIC_SET(key_type))cmagic_set_new(sizeof(key_type), (key_comparator), (alloc_packet)))

Allocates and returns an address of a newly created empty set.

key_typetype of set elements
key_comparatorfunction of type cmagic_set_key_comparator_t determining the order of the elements
alloc_packetcmagic_memory_alloc_packet_t suite of dynamic memory managing functions
a new empty set


#define CMAGIC_SET_SIZE (   cmagic_set)    cmagic_set_size((void*)(cmagic_set))

Returns the number of elements in the set.

cmagic_seta set allocated before with CMAGIC_SET_NEW
number of elements in the set

Typedef Documentation

◆ cmagic_set_erase_destructor_t

typedef void(* cmagic_set_erase_destructor_t) (void *key)

User defined additional tasks to be executed right before key deletion.

Do not call free function on the key. It's called later internally by set implementation
keypointer to key to be deleted

◆ cmagic_set_key_comparator_t

typedef int(* cmagic_set_key_comparator_t) (const void *key1, const void *key2)

Pointer to a function that compares two elements.

This function is called by the set implementation to compare two elements, which is necessary to properly construct and move inside its internal binary tree. Both arguments must be manually casted to a type corresponding to the type of the set. This function defines the order of the elements.

key1pointer to the first key value
key2pointer to the second first key value
value meaning
<0 The element pointed to by key1 goes before the element pointed to by key2
0 The element pointed to by key1 is equivalent to the element pointed to by key2
>0 The element pointed to by key1 goes after the element pointed to by key2